Southampton Data Destruction

Are you looking for a data-handling company that you can trust? When you have lots of employee and customer details on paper, it’s important that you destroy any confidential information once you have finished with it. Scrunching it up and throwing it in the bin won’t do, so employ a professional company like us to collect and destroy the information on your behalf.

Why do you need our data destruction in Southampton?

Imagine the criminals that could be waiting around looking for the opportunity to pick up aSouthampton Data Destruction sensitive document from the rubbish that you’ve nonchalantly screwed up and thrown in the bin. If they get their hands on confidential information about your customers or employees, then you may be putting those people at risk from identity fraud and bank fraud.

If it is found out that the source of the document used for fraud comes from your company because you haven’t complied with the Data Protection Act, you could face serious criminal charges including imprisonment and a fine.

It is, therefore, important that you handle confidential information according to Southampton data destruction rules and regulations. Employing a company like GHS Recycling is simple and affordable, and will ensure that your employee and customer information is never abused.

Information on our data destruction Southampton

The Data Protection act was put in force to ensure companies legally destroy the confidential information that they hold on their employees and customers. At GHS Recycling, our Southampton data destruction makes complying with the Act incredibly easy.

Each business establishment should have a secure place in which they can drop documents containing confidential details. You can then arrange for our data destruction in Southampton team to come and collect the fastened sacks of confidential documents.  We’ll load the sacks onto a secure lorry, and take them to our recycling centre where our data destruction Southampton takes place. We will then tip the contents of the sack into our giant shredder and grind it up into unrecognisable bits – where criminals and fraudsters can never get their hands on it.

Why should you choose our service?

All measures are put in place to ensure our Southampton data destruction is safe and secure. We want our clients to trust our service, and be absolutely confident that their data destruction in Southampton has been handled in a professional manner.

When you choose GHS Recycling for your data destruction Southampton, you can be certain that:Southampton Data Destruction

  • Material is always attended or kept within a secure area
  • Monitored security and alarm systems are in place
  • Only uniformed employees handle the sacks of sensitive materials
  • All employees have signed a confidentially agreement
  • We hold all the necessary certificates to conduct our Southampton data destruction

In addition to enforcing strict rules and regulations regarding handling confidential waste, we want to make sure that we meet the needs of our customers.

We offer our customers document shredding plans to meet the needs of their data destruction in Southampton.  When you call us up to discuss your data destruction Southampton, we can arrange how often you need us to collect your confidential waste, based on how much you fill up your confidential waste bin. We offer:

  • One-off collections arranged as and when needed
  • Daily collections
  • Weekly collections
  • Monthly collections

Why is GHS Recycling the best company for you?

We have been passionate about reducing the amount of recyclable waste that goes into landfill for the last 30 years, and continue to develop our business practices to answer the ever increasing demand for recycling.

Once we have successfully completed our Southampton data destruction process on your documents, the shredded paper is taken to UK companies and abroad to be remade into other paper-based materials.

In addition to our Southampton data destruction, we can also offer and set up the following services:

“The service is great with regular and reliable collections that suit our needs; we sat with G.H.S Recycling and arranged a schedule that fitted with what we generated and could review it as necessary should our circumstances change.”

Mr and Mrs Zainrih

Contact us

If you like the idea of our Southampton data destruction, and would us to quote you a collection plan, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Call 02392 670 399 or Email: