Recycled waste collection Portsmouth
For the past 30 years, we have been building on our reputation as the leading Portsmouth recycled waste collection company and now operate throughout the South of England. For example, businesses in Southampton, Salisbury, Basingstoke, Chichester, the Isle of Wight and beyond can take advantage of our competitive services.
Furthermore, all of our recycled waste collection Portsmouth services are fully licensed, and tailored to your recycling needs. Better still, we are registered waste carriers and if necessary, we will issue Waste Transfer notes to cover Duty of Care regulations.
For an insight into the fantastic work we provide with our recycled waste collection in Portsmouth, take a look at our glowing testimonials.
“The service is great with regular and reliable collections that suit our needs; we sat with G.H.S Recycling and arranged a schedule that fitted with what we generated and could review it as necessary should our circumstances change.” Mr and Mrs Zainrih – Hillsea
Finally, in addition to our recycled waste collection Portsmouth, we are extremely proud of our work with charities. We collect and recycle milk bottle tops and pay £30 for every 500kg on a pro rata basis. Through this service, you are able to support a charity close to your heart while helping to protect our environment